I've been trying to figure out what my daughter wanted for her 5th birthday, so I decided to take her to the store and just have her tell me what she wanted, and in typical girl fashion, she pointed to every single thing in the store... much to my disapointment. Obviously I can't get her everything, nor would she play with everything, so I went back to square one and asked myself, "okay, what does she like to play with?" and then I remembered that she's always in her brother's room playing with his Lego's, so I thought, " oh boy, would she love some girly legos!!! Well girly legos I thought would be simple, but they are actually in the minority when you realize just how much they market towards boys, but over the weekend, I did manage to find a tub of girly colored legos at the lego store in our mall. $14.00, which is cheaper than what I was finding online so I'm happy :D she actually picked it out while we were there and was just goin' crazy over it so daddy bought it while her back was turned. Of course she started crying since she though she isn't getting it, but boy will she be surprised! This is something I definitely know she'll play with because she's always playing with her brothers. Now maybe she'll leave her brother alone :D
Here's the link to the lego set I bought:
Girly Lego's