I am one of those mothers who does not allow my children to watch power rangers. It has been a problem for my child in preschool where the kids will try to act like them by...well...kicking each other. But I was surprised when daddy let my 5 year old purchase this Dinothunder game. I was expecting... powerrangers. Which it is, but the whole game seems to be just about the "dino" part of power rangers, which couldn't be more awesome. I was actually really impressed. This game has good graphics and your kids get to walk a dinosaur around, and they have different dinosaurs they can chose to play. It is actually really neat.
Kids love dinosaurs so I thought this was a great idea. My 3 year old loves to watch too and I have no problem with it. It's a cute game and I got it for next to nothing. You can find it by clicking here.
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