We own several game consoles. (my husband is the big gamer, with my 5 year old coming in 2nd). I play them on occasion, more often if it is a game where you can't really die because otherwise, I can't make it past level 2.
We have a PSP, Gameboy advance, Nintendo DS, Playstation 2, XBox, Nintendo (original), PS One... and maybe something else that I am forgetting. Bottom line, we have plenty.
The PSP can play movies on it and has a beautiful picture. It is pricy and they have a lot of good role playing games, which is why my husband bought it. He loves those kind of games, and the graphics are great. They may have easy enough games for your kids, but I cannot confirm that. The ones I have seen are hard.
My 5 year old has a gameboy advance that he loves. There are any number of games you can buy for this that your child will be able to play, just depends on his preference. Some popular games your children will probably beg for and may be too difficult for around this age(5) would be Pokemon and things like that. The rating will give you a good idea as to whether it will be easy enough for you child. My boy likes playing the hulk. He gets to smash down walls and stuff. There is also a game where he rides a bike around that he likes, but it took him a while of frustratino to get the hang of that one.
You can also watch episodes of your childs favorite cartoons on it. Dora, Spongebob, Dexters Labratory, the Fairly odd parents, etc. We have Dora and they have watched that thing about 1,000 times. I guess it's just funner to watch on a little handheld screen.
I have a pink Nintendo DS. I love that thing to death, but recently, my 3 year old has repossesed it and she likes to play the Cats game. You can pet the cat, play with the cat, even clean out it's little box. Really fun. And I like to play Brain Age on it and can't wait to get Brainage 2. It has really sharpened me up. When I first started I was like 80 years old (oh my) I am really 27. I eventually got my brain age down to 20: the best score you can get. Now I average at about 25 but that still makes me happy.
You can get games for the Playstation 2 really cheap now, so that is mainly why I like this one. They do have a wide variety of games to chose from since they have been out a while. My son really likes playing the Superman game. You get to fly and save people, and it is pretty awesome!
I bought the XBox for my husband a couple christmas' ago. I always wait to buy these consoles when they are on sale because the next best thing has come out. Who cares? As long as it has plenty of games and interesting graphics, I don't care. My husband loves playing halo on it. I have played him a few times in frustration because I am not good with all the 100's of buttons a XBox has, and I never know where he is hiding. Often times, he is standing on my head and I don't even know it and when he tells me to look up, he shoots me.... how cruel. But I like that you can watch movies on the XBox. You can even get a remote for it so you don't have to use a controller. Pretty cool.
We keep the original Nintendo around because...well it's old I guess. An antique? and my husband says he likes playing it, but he never does. This is a great starter thought for kids since you don't need to know which way to go, there is only one way to go...towards the right of the screen (for most games anyway) Final fantasy was sort of free roaming I think.
The PS One ... we bought recently. We don't play it as we are having a hard time finding gamesfor it at a store. I'm sure you can get them herethough.
Ahah! Apparently I did miss one. One of my favorites... the GameCube. If you like cutesy games, this console has a lot... plenty to chose from and there are a lot of games that are simple for your children which I will discuss in greater detail in later posts.
Well, that's about it! Thanks for reading!
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