I have recently successfully potty trained my 3 year old, so I thought I would put up a few things that I learned.
I started potty training my little girl when she was 2, and started showing the signs that she was interested, and ready. (ex: interested in using the potty, being in the bathroom, telling you she needs to go). She did not seem to have real bladder control yet, but as she started training it was a learned thing for her. Once she thought it was fun to go potty, she would hold it in so she could use the potty chair.
For both of my kids (I have a boy too) I had to buy them their own potty chairs that sit on the floor. Even though I bought seats to go on the adult toilet, they both thought that they would fall in.
My girl did really great, everything was going swell... then one day she decided she didn't want to go anymore. I was confused, but since experts say that can happen and not to push the issue, I let her start wearing pull ups and diapers again.
Almost a year past and I noticed she would tell me "mom I need my diaper" so possessive and so demanding. I think she knew exactly what she was doing. She was being lazy. I finally told her one day, "The diapers are all gone. You have to go in the potty." I said it nicely and kinda acted like it wasn't my fault but that somehow the diapers went missing... indefinitely ;) She believed it, cried a little at the loss, and proceeded to use the potty.
From that day on things got better and she hasn't worn diapers since then. I did a lot of laundry in that time, but it was worth it because no pull up in the world (I tried them all) were a match for my girl. She was smart. All those diapers that claim they can feel wetness, etc, she could have cared less. So she is 3 years old now, and fully potty trained.
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